July 7, 2021 Water Authority Meeting Minutes


Mtg. Date: June 2, 2021,                             Start time: 6:00                               End Time: 6:35


Paul Sklodowski-yes                         Bill Patterson-yes                                              Michael Emerick-yes

Regis Kinback-yes                               Richard Sweeney-yes                                       Bill Claar-yes

Ted Beck-yes                                      Claudine Falger-yes                                          Dakota Dumm-Engineer-no                                                                                                                                                Steve Sewalk- Engineer-yes

Meeting was called to order by Paul Sklodowski at 6:00pm.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:             Motion was made by T. Beck and second by R. Kinback to approve the minutes.  All were in favor.




*Two Easements for Right Away on Colonial Drive and Farmers Turnpike, Francis Russian, and John Russian.  A motion was made by T. Beck and second by B. Patterson to authorize Mike Emerick to proceed with the Easements.  Dakota will get the information to Mike.  Roll call vote was taken, and all were in favor.  Russian property easements are ready.  Bill Claar will get the homeowners to sign in front of a notary.


*Blueberry/Farmers Turnpike/Park Road Waterline Project.  Easement Drawings, Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Plan and Water Supply Permit are completed and approved.  The following items still need to be completed: Acquire easements, approximately 15 needed, finalize for bidding, Bid, and construct.  Estimated costs: Construction $300,000 (3750LF@$80/LF), Associated Costs: ($60,000 @20%) Total $360,000.   Homeowners Water Supply Detail to be added to Ordinance.

*Leak Detection:  The EADS and Bill Claar conducted tests May 19th-25th.  Located leaks near curb stops of 476 Farmers Turnpike and 304 Wood Street.   Tested approximately 50 locations.

*Water Distribution Study:  Long range plan.  Will set up a workshop to discuss ideas.  A motion was made by T. Beck and second by R. Kinback to authorize the EADS to proceed with the Comprehensive Plan and to not allow the cost to exceed $7000.00.  The Engineer stated a rough estimate would be between $5000-$7000.  Roll call vote was taken, and all were in favor to not let the cost exceed $7000.00.

*GIS Mapping for locating for the entire water system/sewer system and borough drainage:  A motion was T. Beck and second by R. Kinback to have EADS proceed with the GIS MAP.  Roll call vote was taken, and all were in favor.  This cost would be split with the Sewer Authority and the Borough.


*Delinquent notices attached.

*Treasurer’s Report attached 


*Water Usage for the Month of June is attached.

*Working to replace the fan in the chlorine room.  Laurel Management is to get the Water Authority a quote.  A motion was made by B. Patterson and second by T. Beck to not exceed $1500 for the cost of the vent fan.  Roll call vote was taken, and all were in favor.




*Shared Facilities Agreement for the New Historical/Library Building: The Water Authority had agreed to waive the tap in fee and the building would only be charged for water once they went over the minimum of 3000 gallon per month.  They will be responsible to pay anything over the 3000 gallons.  All authority members were in favor of this.


*A list of bills to be paid were presented to the board, motion was made by R. Kinback and second by B. Patterson to pay all bills.  Roll call vote was taken, and all were in favor.


*Motion was made by R. Kinback and by B. Patterson to adjourn the meeting.  All were in favor.